My black lab has been scratching all over for over a month. In fact, it's so bad that she's scratching off her hair in certain spots.
We recently moved to the suburbs from the city, so we now have a yard that she likes to roll around in. We thought it was insects, so we now use K-9 Advantix. This doesn't seem to be working.
Since the house is only a few months old, we also thought it could be a reaction to some building material, like carpet.
About the only other things we can think of are either the laundry detergent we use to wash her bed liner, or the fact that we have hard water where we live.
Any input would be greatly appreciated!
My dog won't stop scratching!!?
Most likely it is allergies. A lot of dogs get it during the summer months when the weather gets warmer. Although some dogs have it year round. It is kind of hard to say what triggers it just like humans there are so many different things but you can try bathing your dog with an oatmeal based shampoo once or twice a week. This is really soothing to them. However if you notice that it is not getting any better, you should take him to the vet so that they can get a shot to relieve the skin of the itching. Depending on how bad it is, the shot can last anywhere from 1-3months. getting it done periodically will help keep the itching to a minimum. If he has chronic allergies, there are also pills that you can get from the vet so that your trip to and from the office are set to a minimum. Good Luck!
My dog won't stop scratching!!?
Ask your vet
My dog won't stop scratching!!?
What are you feeding her? If you are not feeding her a high quality diet this could be the reason she is scratching. Try switching her to a higher quality, more natural food such as Solid Gold. Those so called "name" brand foods have many ingerdients that can cause allergies. Corn is one of the worst ingredients for causing allergies.
My dog won't stop scratching!!?
fleas?? it could be many things...ask your vet
My dog won't stop scratching!!?
it is probably an allergy of some sort if its not fleas or insects, try switching detergants or try other flea medication
My dog won't stop scratching!!?
I would take here to the vet- it could be an allergy or it could be mange...our dog had it as a pup.
If it is an allergy, they can give your dog meds to treat it.
If mange, they will bathe her once a week in a treatment to get rid of it- it takes several weeks of treatments however.
My dog won't stop scratching!!?
This happened to one of my cats. Sounds like allergies to me, but bring her to the vet to be sure. Keep in mind that people and animals can develop allergies to something they were previously not allergic to. I started feeding my cat sensitive skin food from science diet...see if they have one for dogs, it may help her.
My dog won't stop scratching!!?
Your dog might be having allergies. A lot of the time, it majorly affects their skin - which would explain the major itching.
Could be the yard, new carpet (this affected my Yorkie for a while), or even if you changed your dogs food. As for the laundry detergent, try free %26amp; clear by All, or another detergent for sensitive skin. My detergents tabs not only irritated my poochie, but I had major eczema outbreaks for the first time in my life! If you think it is the carpet, vacuum vacuum vacuum, until your vacuum isn't just filling with the carpet fibers (this can take vacuuming daily for weeks).
For more info, try contacting a local vet. They'll be able to tell you for sure. Maybe even try an oatmeal shampoo and conditioner to sooth your pup's skin when bathing as well.
My dog won't stop scratching!!?
It's true, your dog has most likely developed allergies. Changing his food is a good first option - what are you feeding him?
Check with your vet, but giving Benadryl can ease the symptoms while you figure out what it is that is irritating your dog. It could be one or all of the things that you mention - it could be the ingredients in his food - lots of things to consider.
Dr. Pitcairn's book on natural foods for your dog may help. There are a lot of recipes in there for dogs with medical issues.
My dog won't stop scratching!!?
give her a bath.. use a good dog shampoo
My dog won't stop scratching!!?
I have a Peke with the same thing that I can verify - K9 Advantix didn't work at all with my dog. We switched back to Frontline Plus. With Frontline, we saw no trace of fleas or ticks....I switched to K9 before summer, because we live near a reservoir and mosquitoes tend to get bad in the hot summer. Supposedly K9 works on mosquitoes too - however, I could see no evidence that it worked at all - within a few days I had gotten 8 ticks off of her - so I switched back to Frontline as soon as I could. Now, as far as the itching, switching to a good quality food is supposed to help (I switched to Wellness) and also, someone sent me this website link and told me to start my pup on Fresh Factor, which I have done. I haven't given it to her long enough yet to see a difference, so we'll see. In the meantime, I went to my pet store and bought some hydrocortisone for dogs and spray her with that. I was told not to bathe her very often because that could cause dry skin and make her itch worse. I am doing everything possible to avoid a "precription allergy medication" for her, because our vet said that prolonged use could damage her kidneys....I'll also be glad to see if anyone else give you any useful advice that I can "steal" :-)
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