The hair around her mouth is really long and usually is in her way when she's eating. I wanted to cut it but her hair is white and blends in perfectly with her whiskers so it would be nearly impossible not to cut at least one of her whiskers. Would that be harmful or painful?
Will it hurt my dog if I cut her whiskers?
The whiskers are like sensors, it helps them sense what spaces they can fit through. They are the width of the body, so if you cut them, it might not help her, but im sure it wont matter too much. the whiskers are like hair, so it most certainly wont hurt her. Id say go for it, whiskers are more useful to cats anyway.
Will it hurt my dog if I cut her whiskers?
I just wanted to say that the whisker being a sensor is actually a cat thing, dogs dont depend on their whiskers as much. Report It
Will it hurt my dog if I cut her whiskers?
it wouldnt hurt them.. but why would you even do that? its kinduh mean.. Report It
Will it hurt my dog if I cut her whiskers?
No No never cut the whiskers.. thats like cutting off your fingers.. they need those to feel Report It
Will it hurt my dog if I cut her whiskers?
I think my dogs wiskers are really cute. They move when he sniffs and gives him character. They do grow though, and I have seen one fall out or get "plucked". Report It
Will it hurt my dog if I cut her whiskers?
Okay its not a cat but it depends what type of dog it is. Whiskers do grow but if you did cut them it would be kinda mean because those are like the dogs fingers like xyz said. Good thing they will grow back though. Atleast i think they will.. Report It
Will it hurt my dog if I cut her whiskers?
what a dumb idea Report It
Will it hurt my dog if I cut her whiskers?
If you did that to me, I'd bite ya. Report It
Will it hurt my dog if I cut her whiskers?
why? why? why? Are you going to tape the dogs ears so it has no sensors, a blind would be good for it's eyes and then you can tape it's legs together. Report It
Will it hurt my dog if I cut her whiskers?
Wow. there are ALOT of responses to this question! 31 stars? 9 comments? A million thumbs ups and downs?! Good question! Report It
Will it hurt my dog if I cut her whiskers?
these people are all idiots, DO NOT cut the dog's whiskers. Report It
Will it hurt my dog if I cut her whiskers?
Do you scream when your hair gets cut? You will be rendering your dog "blind" to an extent because the dog uses its whisters as a sensory organ. Report It
Will it hurt my dog if I cut her whiskers?
I don't know about dogs, but I heard if you cut a cats whiskers on one side, they will walk in a circle, lol Report It
Will it hurt my dog if I cut her whiskers?
Will it hurt my dog if I cut her whiskers?
Why do you want to cut the whiskers anyway?
That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Report It
Will it hurt my dog if I cut her whiskers?
This question shouldn't even be here. It's not interesting. It's a waste of space. Report It
Will it hurt my dog if I cut her whiskers?
This should not be best of answers. crzy Report It
Will it hurt my dog if I cut her whiskers?
My dog, she a Maltipoo, she doen't have any whiskers... Wow... Report It
Will it hurt my dog if I cut her whiskers?
How in the world did this warrant best answer? Others were much more informative. Report It
Will it hurt my dog if I cut her whiskers?
Wow you guys are so mean! Well if she wants to cut her dog's whiskers then so be it! Jezzzussss people these days wants the world to revolve around them. Report It
Will it hurt my dog if I cut her whiskers?
No it's like cuting hair.
Will it hurt my dog if I cut her whiskers?
I don't think it will hurt because as far as I know, whiskers don't have nerve endings in them.
Will it hurt my dog if I cut her whiskers?
No It's like when you get a hair cut. But Don't nic her with the scissors or it will.
Will it hurt my dog if I cut her whiskers?
Not at all - pulling would most likely hurt, as would pulling hair - but cutting should cause no problem
Will it hurt my dog if I cut her whiskers?
Whiskers are used for dogs and cats to be able to feel their way around in the dark, and feel if they can fit into small spaces. They have sensitive nerves in them, so if you cut it, the animal will feel it.
I'm sure that the hair around her mouth isnt too big an issue, so I wouldnt risk it.
EDIT: Sorry, I just read up on it and you can infact cut a dogs whiskers, just not a cats. They are still used as sensors so it is best not to, but you can. Show dogs have their faces clean shaven because it is impossible to clip the hair around the mouth without cutting some whiskers, as you say.
Sorry again for the confusion! :S
Will it hurt my dog if I cut her whiskers?
Whiskers are an important hunting and orientation tool for dogs. While the hairs themselves don't contain nerve endings, their base is surrounded by erectile tissue and a rich nerve supply. Like human eyelashes, they prompt the dog to close its eyes when they're brushed. Whiskers are highly sensitive to air currents and vibrations. Dogs react quickly when anything brushes against their whiskers. Many dog groomers clip their dog's whiskers for show purposes, but it can often impair a dog's ability to hunt and play.
Be fair to your dog and take her to the groomer, who is trained to take care of these types of things.
Will it hurt my dog if I cut her whiskers?
I've heard it could throw off their equilibrium %26amp; balance, but I'm not quite sure if that's true or not. I'd call the vet %26amp; ask before I did it though...
Will it hurt my dog if I cut her whiskers?
You wouldn't want to cut a whisker to short. But cutting it a little isn't going to hurt your dog in any way at all. It's just like cutting hair.
If you cut it to short, like next to the skin, you risk getting an ingrown hair. THAT can be painful and has to be pulled out to prevent infection.
Will it hurt my dog if I cut her whiskers?
Dogs are not cats. You can cut their whiskers. I used to show a dog years ago and his breed we were required to cut their whiskers. Ask your groomer.
Will it hurt my dog if I cut her whiskers?
Go ahead and cut her whiskers. Show dogs often get their whiskers cut so they'll look better. It's not harmful or painful at all.
Will it hurt my dog if I cut her whiskers?
I would not cut any animals whiskers cause that is a very important thing for all animals that have whiskers. If you cut their whiskers you will find them getting stuck in areas that are to small for them to fit into. The whiskers are what they use to measure where exactly they can go. Say you cut your dogs whiskers and he or she gets into a fight, the dog will not know where to run if it tries to get away from the other animal.
Will it hurt my dog if I cut her whiskers?
It wont be painfull but it will mess up her balance i would just take her to the groomers.
Will it hurt my dog if I cut her whiskers?
cause a dog is sensitive to there whisker so my advice dont surprise ur dog to cut his/her whisker......because i like pets...
Will it hurt my dog if I cut her whiskers?
I'd call a vet. I know you shouldn't cut cat whiskers, but have no idea the affect on dogs.
Will it hurt my dog if I cut her whiskers?
No way!!!!!!!!!
how would that hurt your dog?
of course not.
Will it hurt my dog if I cut her whiskers?
it will not hurt her unless she squirms or slips and you accidentally cut her!
Will it hurt my dog if I cut her whiskers?
You don't want to cut there whiskers that is how they find there way in the dark, balance and there sences are. It wont hurt them but it isn't good either. Like a Cat they use them to find there way in the dark and to balance in tree's and other high places that they go.
Like I said I wouldn't but it's you dog.
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