Saturday, August 1, 2009

Dog Bows??

Ok, I have a shih-tzu that is almost a year old now and her hair is always in her eyes. Everytime I put a bow in her hair, clip, or anything, she pulls it out. Does anyone have any advice on how to make her keep them in?? She keeps running into doors and it bothers me. Please help.

Dog Bows??

Tie it in and then put a tiny drop of clear nail polish where the ribbon meets the hair. That's what we did at the grooming shop I worked at.

Dog Bows??

Have you tried the mini black hairbanders? They kinda remind me of the rubberbands kids used with their braces...they are tiny and quite difficult to remove from the hair. They are a continuous rubberband with no metal clasp holding the two ends together, which makes them easier on the hair (lessens breakage). Then put your bow on either with another rubberband or tied on.

Dog Bows??

She might just need a trim. Also I've heard of using superglue on short hair pups to hold in bows. I don't know if that is abusive or not. Finally try they have all sorts of grooming suppllies for a pretty good price.

Dog Bows??

what if you braid her hair back tightly and then put a band in it?

she probably won't be able to get out the braid.

Or better yet, give her a trim! Who cares if it's not what her breed is "supposed" to look like?! at least she wouldn't be running into walls!

Dog Bows??

it almost sounds like she need to see a vet and make sure her eyes are ok, tell your groomer about the problem and have them cut her top knot a bit shorter, or you can have it done so it doesn't have to be tied up at all like i do with male shih-tzus. at any rate, if you put the band in so tight that it wont come out the fur there will matt horribly. even groomers put the bow in kinda loose so that it will come out on its own after a few days.

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