Saturday, August 1, 2009

Has anyone had a dog with hives?

My little dog looks like she has hives only on her back. She is pregnant and due in about 3 weeks, so I can't give her benadryl as I have read some people have done. She is a chi..... mix. I noticed this slightly about a week ago. She was even at the vet last week for a checkup, but it was so slight at that time, I forgot to ask and the vet didn't notice either. Today, it looks a little worse. I bathed her today with medicated shampoo and that did not help or make worse. She doesn't act sick in the slightest, but it looks kind of weird. She also is not scratching that I have noticed. Her hair just stands up in little spots all over her back from her neck to almost her tail and I can feel little raised bumps, but can't see any. She is a reddish/brown color. Does anyone know what else this could be and can it hurt her puppies?

Has anyone had a dog with hives?

no but even thinking about it makes me worry

Has anyone had a dog with hives?

I think it's called mange. Or it could be an allergic reaction. See the vet, silly!!!

Has anyone had a dog with hives?

Call your vet. Most vets will consult over the phone at no charge for their patients. The vet may have some suggestions, or may want her to be seen. It's probably harmless, but call your vet just to be safe.

Has anyone had a dog with hives?

Sounds like an allergic reaction. I would definitely take her back to the vet specially since she is pregnant.

Has anyone had a dog with hives?

I had a boxer that done the same thing. However, he was pregnant:0)

They gave him benadryl and a steroid injection. It would be best to just call the vet and see what your options are. It probably won't hurt the pups if it's just an allergic reaction. Maybe she ate something or laid in something? Could have gotten a spider bite. Just keep an eye on her and give your vet a call. Good luck.

Has anyone had a dog with hives?

It could be hives, as this is a normal part of an allergic reaction. It could also be from fleas. Flea bites can be a lot like what you described......the raised bumps and little spots. It may also be something else, but with out seeing the spots and not beinga vet, I couldn't tell you for sure. Being a registered vet tech, I would definatly keep an eye on it and if it persists or you are concerned about it, you should take her into the vet. If it's an allergic reaction or from fleas, no it will not hurt the puppies. It may be nothing to worry about, but it's better to be safe than sorry later.

Has anyone had a dog with hives?

My dog actually had some allergy reaction to spider bites. She had numerous hives all over her body.The vet injected her with some anti allergy medicine. Take your dog back to your vet.

Has anyone had a dog with hives?


I am a Dhaxem animal healer and believe that I can cure your pregnant doggy. She is deficient in certain nutrients and you can help her easily by adding the following nutrients to her diet. What she needs is this:

Vitamin B1 (Solgar would be best) 500mg 3 times a day for 10 days, then reduce to twice a day for another 20 days

A good quality Multivitamin and mineral formula, like Solgar VM75, a quarter every other day for 10 days

Your dog could also do with a little change in the diet: She would greatly benefit if she was given slightly cooked trout twice a week, in place of her usual diet.

I am sure this would help and you would notice a difference in about a week. It would also be god for the pups. Best wishes,

And with my love to your doggy.

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