my female boxer has this brownish stuff on her ears and she is starting to lose a lil of hair around there and she has a few stops where there is only a lil bit of hair she not losen hair every where its only on her ears and her leg and she is like always itching at her ears what could it be and what can i do she sometimes shakes her head but not alot
Dog itching ears?
thats ear mites you can,t see them but they are there, take her to the vet, my dog had this to, and you,ll have to get medicine to clear it up. if you can,t afford the vet, you can buy it at or
Dog itching ears?
Dog itching ears?
It sounds like mange per the hair loss, and yeast per the brown stuff in her ear, and itching sound like mites or a yeast infection, or allergies.
All of which Boxers are prone to.
I would get her to a Vet, and have skin scrapings done to rule out Mange.
Dog itching ears?
if she has brown stuff in her ears she has an ear infection get her to the vet for the right meds. ear mites if its like potting soil yeast if it smells bad. instant relief= vinegar and water 1/2 and 1/2 flood the ear canal massage the base of the ear wipe out with cotton balls. you need meds after that from the vet.
you can also give her benedryl to keep her itch down for the night. benedryl dose is 1 mg per pound so if you buy 25 mg tablets and she weighs 75 pounds she can have up to 3 tablets every 8 hours
Dog itching ears?
Take her to the vet...get her examined.....I suspect "ear mites" The vet will give her drops for it.
Dog itching ears?
Sounds like Sarcoptic Mange. It's not really all that bad. My German Shepherd had it and I gave her a bath as my vet directed in a special shampoo and it went away within a few days maybe a week. I'd take the dog to the vet to make sure but it sounds alot like Sarcoptic Mange to me. I linked a site with some info.
Dog itching ears?
a few months ago, my german shepherd had a similar issue as your dog. she will almost everyday actually it occurs during the night nonstop for about 1-3 hours itching her ears like crazy and makes this very wierd sound when she itches as well as shaking her head. well it turns out her ears were bothering her, probably due to liquid being inside. if i were you i would give your dog 1 antibiotic, amoxicillin, penicillin cannot remember which one, but just give it to your boxer everynight and see what happens. i treated her with this for 2+ weeks and now she is well. you will have to get this kind of medicine from a doctor.
Dog itching ears?
There maybe lites sorry im not really good at spelling but you should visit the vet!!Hope your lil girl is ok.. Best wishes ^_^
Dog itching ears?
You should take her to the vet and he can find out what is wrong, and give you the proper medication for the problem.
Dog itching ears?
Ear mites which causes infection if not taken care of .... take her to the vet for mite and infection meds
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