Monday, July 27, 2009

How do you get rid of your white dog's tearstains?

i purchased some "tearstain remover" but it looks soapy in her hair and i dont want to hurt her eye. is it just a fact that all white dogs will get tearstains? how do you get rid of them? thanks!

How do you get rid of your white dog's tearstains?


for our poodle mix we bought tearstain remover too but ours looked like que tips (SP) and when you used it, you snapped it in half so the liquid could get through and gently rubbed it on the stain. Eventually they're gone and no soapyness!

I'm pretty sure we got them at Wal-mart but if not.. go to your local pet store and ask about them.

Good luck :]

How do you get rid of your white dog's tearstains?

They make lots of products for this, you can try them. A breeder once told me to put Desitin on tear stains. Tear stains are just part of owning a dog with long, white hair.

How do you get rid of your white dog's tearstains?

i have a maltese

when u get them groomed, ask the vet to clean it up

works like a charm ;)

How do you get rid of your white dog's tearstains?

you can "dedicate" a special washcloth to the dog, and clean the eyes a few times a day. every once in while, you will just have to trim the fur away. most dogs get tearstains, but it really only shows up on the lightcoloured ones.

How do you get rid of your white dog's tearstains?

This site has good methods. It's said for Maltese, but I expect it will work on any white animal.

How do you get rid of your white dog's tearstains?

It might be the food your dog is consuming, whether may it be the food dye in the food or your dog has an allergy.

The best way is to change your dog's food for about one month and see if anything improves.

Also, if your dog has dirty ears, that might also be a problem in relation to the eyes.

Hope that helps.

How do you get rid of your white dog's tearstains?

I've been showing dogs since 1994, and the cleaners on the market do not work. Most only cover up the stains without actually removing them. You need to find the cause of the stains to begin with before you can eliminate them. Tear stains can appear due to several different reasons. The most common is cause of tear stains is the dyes in their food. Often, changing to a higher quality dog food (with no beet pulp or dyes) will decrease the tear stains. If that doesn't work, some people have had success getting rid of them by using bottled or filtered water (tear stains caused by high mineral content in the tap water). Personally, I have had success by adding a pinch of Lecithin (powdered form from health food store) to their diet (tear stains caused by high phosphorine levels in the body). None of these remedies provide an instant fix though. If the stains are severe enough, it can take up to several months to eliminate them. Your best bet is to try each method until you find the one that works for your dog.

How do you get rid of your white dog's tearstains?

White dogs get tearstains, and then they turn red. All you have to do is type into the computer: Doctors Foster and Smith Eye Clens Products. It's less than $8 a container, and with a q tip, there's over an 80% guarantee it works completely. It's even safe for the eye, itself.

How do you get rid of your white dog's tearstains?

no, not all white dogs get tearstains.

i have a white dog and he doesn't have any tear stains at all.

tearstain can be from all sorts of things.

it can be allergies, the minerals in tap water, the chemicals in dog food(usually artificial colorings, but it can be something else in it also), the fur/foreign debris irritating the eyes, etc.

to get rid of them, you first have to find out whats causing it.

i suggest switching dog foods that have no colorings or chemicals (high quality dog food like Merrick, Innova, Timberwolf, etc) and also switching the water to bottled water, if possible.

you can also try a different type of tearstain remover.

i heard that angel eyes work well, here is the website:

for a quick fix, you can just cut the red-fur off around the eyes and see what in the environment is causeing the tearing.

and keep your dog on a whitening shampoo might help.(be careful of the eyes though)

How do you get rid of your white dog's tearstains?

1. Change foods. If you're using a cheap food like Purina or Alpo, it will cause allergic reactions that make tearstains worse.

2. They have daily tearstain removers, try putting them on, waiting an hour, and then wiping them off with a damp washcloth.

3. Top Performance makes a tearless whitening shampoo that does great for dogs faces.

You really just have to keep after them all the time, even if it's just drying their eyes with a kleenex a few times a day. I've known plenty of white dogs that didn't have tearstains, so it's definitely possible if you're dedicated.

How do you get rid of your white dog's tearstains?

I use Diamond Eye. I get it off I have a cream colored Pekingese and this stuff is the best I've found. My groomer uses it too.

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