Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sick Dog......Is He Dyeing??

My 6/7 year old dog took off on Tuesday afternoon and was gone all night long in a snow storm :(. He returned yesterday walking very slow and stiff with little iceicles hanging from bits of his fur (He has long hair). Anyway....he slept all day yesterday which didn't come as a surprise to me. This morning.....he started vommiting what looked like clear slimmy fluid. When I wipped it up it seemed like it had a green tinge to it. Now....he's puking up what looks like florescent orange fluid. I've let him outside 2X and each time I've had to trudge through huge snow banks to get him.....he just lays down in the snow and won't come back to me unless I go get him. Is he dyeing???? What do you think he got into during is overnight run?? Please help....I'm really worried!

Sick Dog......Is He Dyeing??

He most likely ate something when he was out all night that could be toxic to him. If he is no better today then I would at the very lease call A vet and ask them their advice. You will most likely have to take him in.

Good Luck

Sick Dog......Is He Dyeing??

Sounds like he might have gotten into some antifreeze - take him to a vet!!

Sick Dog......Is He Dyeing??

It could be something he ate, he could be poisoned, you need to get him to a vet as soon as possible or you may be too late .

Sick Dog......Is He Dyeing??

Don't ask us. Bring him to the emergency vet!

Sick Dog......Is He Dyeing??

It sounds like antifreeze poisoning. It might even be too late for a vet, but he does need one. If (when) he starts seizing, it's too late. He will need to be put to sleep. Once the kidneys fail from antifreeze, it's cruel to leave them to suffer. It's a pity you didn't go in earlier.

Sick Dog......Is He Dyeing??

Vet immediately

Sick Dog......Is He Dyeing??

you shouldn't be letting your dog out in the snow, are you crazy?

specially when his sick. next time you stay outside in the snow when your sick. and leave the dog inside!

Sick Dog......Is He Dyeing??

Take him to a vet

Sick Dog......Is He Dyeing??

If it was me...I sure wouldn't be on here asking us. Take your dog to the vet NOW!!!!!

Sick Dog......Is He Dyeing??

take him to the vert NOW

Sick Dog......Is He Dyeing??

I think he is freezing from cold like a blizzard 50 50 maybe.

Sick Dog......Is He Dyeing??

He could have gotten into some antifreeze dripping on the ground under a car. Take him to a vet ASAP!!

Sick Dog......Is He Dyeing??

I would take him to vet- I would have when he came home with icicles on his fur- he couild be in hypothermia, as well as who knows what. Please, take him to the vet.

Sick Dog......Is He Dyeing??

take him to an emergency vet, now!!

Sick Dog......Is He Dyeing??

It's hard to say what he got into. If it were antifreeze I would think things would be a whole lot worse by now. Didn't your vet get you in right away knowing it could be poison. Hours are golden in cases like this. You really should consider some way of containing your dog to your yard also for his safety. They have those cable runners that gives a dog all kinds of running room, or some type of fenced in area. There is also the under ground fence that is great. Good luck with your dog and I hope he's okay.

Sick Dog......Is He Dyeing??

when u made the appointment did u tell the vet all the symptoms? If not, call him back and ask if u should take him to the ER. make sure u give him plenty of fluids

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