my rottie is shedding i thought short hair dogs dont shed, also it is Nov. should he not be growing his winter coat as he is a outside dog.
Why my rottie is shedding?
All dogs shed. However, if he is shedding excessively (when you pet him your hand comes away full of hair, or he is all of a sudden shedding a lot more than usual), he could have a dietary deficiency or even a thyroid problem. Try an omega-3 fatty acid supplement, and if that doesn't cut down the shedding, take him to the vet.
Why my rottie is shedding?
all dogs grow their winter coats.
Why my rottie is shedding?
All dogs shed, despite the length of their coat. Brushing the dog on a daily basis will help lessen the shedding by removing loose hairs.
He'll get his winter coat, but that doesn't mean he won't shed during the colder months.
Why my rottie is shedding?
this breed, like most short hairs, sheds all year. if you brush the dog before bringing him in, and wipe his coat down with a damp paper towel, it will help a little.
Why my rottie is shedding?
i have no idea why ur dog is shedding. all dogs shed, a little or a lot. more info please???
Why my rottie is shedding?
well since he is an outside dog he should definantly be getting his winter coat now and shedding his summer coat and short hair dogs do shed because they actually have fur the only dogs that dont shed are dogs like yorkies and poodles who actually have hair and not fur.
Why my rottie is shedding?
sorry but short hair dogs do definately shed. All dogs shed some just not as bad as others or others have multiple layers and need to be groomed more due to the hair getting matted in so much.
Sorry but teh idea of a short hair dog not shedding is a myth
Why my rottie is shedding?
well you thought wrong, all dogs shed except dogs with hair not fur
Why my rottie is shedding?
Ok...I will give you the speech I give my customers:
Short haired breeds are the worst shedders. Now, you can take your rottie to the groomer and request a furminating treatment on your dog or you can buy the tools and do it yourself. This is the most effective way to rid your pet of loose shedding. is the website to get the furminator tool. Brush your pet once a month thoroughly with this tool and you will be happier. Also, depending on your climate, dogs do in fact shed all year long.
Why my rottie is shedding?
hi, is he molting bad? and is he scratchin? if he is an outside dog he might have picked up a mite or have an allergy to something,or do u only notice wen u groom him best ask a vet,both my dogs are short haired and i`m sure they molt at will,usually in my tea,i have an english mastiff (6 mths and 7stone) and a collie+,weimerauner sorry bout the spelling
Why my rottie is shedding?
my rotty shedds her hair its ok
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