I have an aggressive dog........she likes to jump at people in the street..she just lunges..i mean she's never bitten anyone but I'm worried she might...and when people knock on my door, she goes crazy. The hairs on her back go up and she just wont stop barking..I was wondering if a muzzle could help me train her. She has never bitten anyone btw. and no, I'm not going to give her up. I got her from a shelter..I'm nto sending her back to one.
A muzzle for a dog..humane or inhumane?
I'm not sure about humane or not ... what I do know is that I was pretty shook up to see a really large dog take a smaller dog by the neck. The dog was so large and the lady was so petite, she couldn't hold the dog.
The hairs going up on her back is definitely not a good sign. I believe that's a ready to attack sign and I would be worried about being able to control her around people. I would die if my dog ever bit anyone or another creature.
I agree with everyone else in taking her in for training. They may suggest a muzzle while she's there and if they don't, I would suggest putting one on her just for the protection of the other people and their pets.
Good luck to you and good for you for saving a shelter dog!
A muzzle for a dog..humane or inhumane?
if your walking her in public i recommend a muzzle
and you need to train her
A muzzle for a dog..humane or inhumane?
A muzzle is humane, just make sure you take it off when no one is at your house, or when you aren't going for a walk. Make sure you take it off at home, so that she can eat and drink.
A muzzle for a dog..humane or inhumane?
No. A muzzle isn't a "cure all" solution to your problems.
Train your dog. It isn't that hard.
You need to be able to control your dog while on walks.
Get a Trainer and Behaviorist.
Muzzles are for biters, and law. (ie, Muzzling Pit Bulls is a law in some places)
A muzzle for a dog..humane or inhumane?
I would recommend the Gentle Leader head collar http://animalbehaviorproducts.net/i/200/... it will give you complete control over the dogs head and will make rehabilitation much easier
A muzzle for a dog..humane or inhumane?
If your really worried, go ahead and get a muzzle for her. The muzzle isn't bad, it teaches your dog not to bite. Also, take your dog to a dog training class.. like petsmart.
A muzzle for a dog..humane or inhumane?
uh...it's not an issue of humane or inhumane. it's an issue of safety for the general public who come in contact with your dog. put a muzzle on that dog. you describe her as aggressive, you don't want to risk her attacking someone or another dog.
consider getting the dog some training so that you can better control the dog. you will also need to be instructed on how to properly reprimand, control, and work with an aggressive dog to get it under control.
A muzzle for a dog..humane or inhumane?
a muzzle is not a bad idea, but she need some training...there is lots of info on dog training online or most petsmarts and petcos offer training.
that might be something you need to look into..
A muzzle for a dog..humane or inhumane?
Use a muzzle.
It's better than having the dog bite someone.
A muzzle for a dog..humane or inhumane?
I would say to muzzle her on walks, b/c you do not want an accident to happen. At home, you want her to "protect" you and your home. I would possibly put her in another room away from the door, when someone knocks. I am not in favor of muzzles by any means, but in your case, it may be wise on walks.
A muzzle for a dog..humane or inhumane?
You can try a muzzle but a muzzle is typically intended for short term use in specific situations. Your best bet would be to talk to an animal behaviorist on the best plan to help you and your dog. They typically will give advice over the phone and will do housecalls to help with your problems.
A muzzle for a dog..humane or inhumane?
A soft muzzle that does not hinder the dogs breating or irritate her face would probably be a good idea until you get your dog under control. It appears that she may be a fear biter. I would suggest that you enlist the assistance of a professional dog trainer to help you with your dog. They will be able to teach you how to handle her and stop her aggressiveness.
A muzzle for a dog..humane or inhumane?
DEFINATELY in public she should wear one. They have canvas cloth ones that allow good breathing and yet restrict the ability to bite--they're humane, there's nothing hard to rub on the dog's face.
A Halti collar may help too, to control her. If she DOES do anyone injury, say knocking someone down so they break a hip or leg, you'll be responsible for doctor bills on the person.
Since she has aggression issues, you'll need to check into some more training for her. A large dog can do severe injury when they think they're protecting property. You don't want to let yourself in for a court ordered euthenasia, some communities don't even have a 'one bite' rule, they just say no more and take the dog.
A muzzle for a dog..humane or inhumane?
you could use a muzzle to help her understand and every once in a while let her be out of it when you take her for a walk or put her outside or whatever to show her that there is no reason to do that and if she does jump on some1 bop her nose... not to hard though just hard enough to get it through to her so she relizes "hey i did that and got hurt... im not going to do that again"
A muzzle for a dog..humane or inhumane?
If you cant train her yourself to stop these behaviors, seek the assistance of a behaviorist. A muzzle should not be placed on an aggressive dog because it escalates their aggression, but in keeping you, your pup and others safe when you must be in public, it is nessesary! My dog has leash aggression and I have used a muzzle when I take him to areas for off leash wild running JUST INCASE we come upon a dog and its owners. Keep in mind I take him off leash to an Indian Reservation and are no people or businesses for miles and miles! Be safe and always assume the worst can happen.
A muzzle for a dog..humane or inhumane?
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