I have a pomenerian ( about 10 months old) and she's been losing a lot of hair ( not to to the point where she's bald or something) and i know it's normal for dogs but it's just a lot... i'm pretty sure it's not because of stress, so then why? and what can i do to stop this???
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pomeranians do this , it is normal for them to shed alot of fur.
They have a top coat and an undercoat, they shed it for new to grow in its place.
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Pomerians are long-haired dogs and it is normal for them to shed a lot. My dog is a terrier/Beagle mix is she sheds a lot, but like you said it's not to the point where she's bald. She still has a nice beautiful coat. I don't think you have anything worry about. I hope this helps!
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I have 2 dogs that are half shih-tzu and half pomeranian..and they lose hair quite a bit also..I've been told by vets that it's from skin allergies to carpet, dust, etc..They give my dogs allergy shot for it which seen to help..maybe you could do that too.
Good luck and I hope you get your dog's problem fixed! =]
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I would take her to the vet to see what the problem is. It could be an allergy of some sort or mange. It might just turn out to be shedding but you will not find out until you take the dog in to make sure. Good Luck!
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i have a short haired dog, and i thought he lost A LOT of hair...more than usual....i thought there was something wrong with him, but i took him to the vet, and he just said its that type of dog that sheds alot. theres nuthing to worry about. if u really want to know why, then go to the vet and ask, or u can just call them (that way it's FREE) LOL.....anywho, shedding just comes with having a dog, theres nuthin u can do about it. SORRY! GOd Blessé–³?br>Please read if you own a dog...?
Take her to the Vet and have her checked for mites or ringworm -- make sure they do a skin scraping of bald areas. Change the food to a premium brand like Wellness, Solid Gold or Innova -- could be food allergies or nutrient deficiency. Put flea medication on her -- could be flea allergies. Change bathing products to something more natural and free of harsh chemicals.
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this website may help
if your dog is shedding more than normal go to vet
or this may help
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Please read if you own a dog...?
You take her to the vet and ask him. He can diagnose the problem and give you meds to treat it. It also could be as simple as switching the dog food you use.
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You cant stop it because it is nature, there are many products that claim to help but they dont. Brushing the coat every day really helps a lot, or you can get the dogs coat trimmed.
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I've found an easy home remedy for just that problem. (I have 2 poms) I put fish oil on their food once a day. I was cutting up a gel-cap and then I went to the pet store and they have fish oil spray to put on animals food.
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