So, I took my dog who is a shepard mix to the groomer and they used some process called the furminator to help remove unwanted hairs that might shed.
She hasn't really been shedding anymore so we're curious as to how it's different from regular undercoat rakes and if so, how does it work?
I took my dog to the groomer and they offered a treatment called the furminator. What is it?
As far as I can tell, they're similar to a rake, but much more heavy duty. I know people who have and use these, and from what I understand, they just really do a number on the undercoat. One of them even warned everyone not to use one of these on a dog in show coat lest it take out more undercoat than they would want. Sounds like in your case it worked out very well.
Here's the Furminator website:
I took my dog to the groomer and they offered a treatment called the furminator. What is it?
I never heard of that and I'm an ex-groomer. Have you ever tried using a shedding blade?
I took my dog to the groomer and they offered a treatment called the furminator. What is it?
It's a comb that brushes out the shedding undercoat of dogs and cats. You can get them on e-bay but they're kind of expensive.
I took my dog to the groomer and they offered a treatment called the furminator. What is it?
After a special "Furminator Shampoo" and "Furminator Conditioner", it's a process using a high velocity blow dryer on your dog to blow out the coat.
A "Furminator Dog Rake" (not really different from other rakes) is used at the same time to rid the coat of shedding hair. FUR minator, get it?
IMO... the high velocity blow dryer blows the coat out. That's it. There is no real magic to this "miracle treatment." You pay more for this fancy FURMINATOR GIMIC at the counter as you leave.
I took my dog to the groomer and they offered a treatment called the furminator. What is it?
It's actually a really cool tool.. it's a combination of a shedding blade and a regular undercoat rake. It strips out the dead hair from the coat. They work really well, but can be very sharp. They are great, I've used them myself.
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