I have 10 month old pit bull, up until now she has had a beautiful, shiny coat. Recently patches of hair have become bald (small patches) and some red bumb have appeared, which then turn flaky. I immediately suspected fleas but don't see any on her (i can usually see them on my other dogs). Any how, I have given her flea baths and replaced all of her bedding and cleaned the area she usually sleeps in. It seemed to get better for a day or so and then worse. Now her whole backside is going bald, her hindlegs, butt, ect. I don't know what to do. I can't take her to the vet right away...but could it possible be mange or something like that and is there anyway to treat that from home????? Thaks in advance.
Puppy loosing hair on belly and backside. Anything I can do from home?
The belly and backside are where hair is normally lost from when fleas are the cause. Just because you can't see them doesn't mean they're not there - if you haven't been treating her regularly (flea baths do not work) then it's likely she does have them. Certainly sounds like it.
Get some proper treatment from a vet. You don't have to take her there to get this, just pop in yourself Get Frontline, Revolution or Advantage and make sure it gets on her skin, not on her fur. You might want to get Revolution if you're worried about mange (though I don't think it's this) because it treats one type of mange (fox mange). Don't be tempted to buy store-bought products because they're cheaper - they don't work so even if they only cost $1 they're still a waste of money.
Your dog is likely to be allergic to fleas as she's actually losing fur. Get a spray to treat the house with too as extra protection for her - this is where 95% of the flea population are living.
Puppy loosing hair on belly and backside. Anything I can do from home?
You need to take her to the vet!!! Sounds like she has some serious allergies - could be to her food, to fleas or the shampoo you use on her. These spots can become infected if you don't get her treated.
Puppy loosing hair on belly and backside. Anything I can do from home?
Sounds like Mange. My Pomeranian had it. Unfortunately I do not know of any home remedies. our dog had to be treated by the vet.
Puppy loosing hair on belly and backside. Anything I can do from home?
it could be a number of things fleas,sarcoptic mange demodex mange allergies mites its best to get her checked at the vets
Puppy loosing hair on belly and backside. Anything I can do from home?
Try using some kind of un-scented, anti-itch lotion. The bumps might be caused by allergies to grass or flowers or something...and if her skin is itchy, she might be tearing the fur out to make it stop (that's what my terrier does to his feet). If that doesn't work, I would advise going to the vet.
Puppy loosing hair on belly and backside. Anything I can do from home?
Sounds like mites, and it sounds like it is getting bad to be spreading that much. There is nothing you can do at home since you will not know what type of skin mite it is, some are easier to treat and some very hard. The only way is to go to the vet and get a skin scraping then they can correctly identify the mite and treat that type of mite. You cannot cure mites yourself and trying different methods could make your dog even more itchy and uncomfortable, as well the mites will rapidly continue to spread and I have seen dogs on tv with no hair left from massive mites left unchecked. I also had a pit x when I was younger who had mites on his head, he got treated at the vet and after a chemical dip at the vet office he was fine, hair grew back in and he was fine. I would take her as soon as you can, try not to delay it too much.
Puppy loosing hair on belly and backside. Anything I can do from home?
definely a vet trip! i dont think dogs shed that Much. Maybe she is allergic to something
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