Wednesday, October 7, 2009

How can i get my dog to stop scratching?

My dog scratches so bad that he has scabbs. He does not have fleas or anything like that. He pulls out his hair when he bites at his skin. I don't know if he has a skin problem or what? He also sheds really bad and once again I dont know if it is from a skin problem or what? PLEASE HELP HIM!

How can i get my dog to stop scratching?

My Dog has a bad skin problem that is very similar. We took him to the vet because he was scratching all the time and loosing his hair in places, the skin looked like it hurt.

This is what the Vet said and some other things I've figured out that really make a difference.

The vet said that it is most likely a skin allergy. It could be a number of things, off brand dog food, allergies to plants in the yard. And you can try to do tests to figure out what allergy it is but it might not tell you anything and the test are really expensive. He said the best thing to do is to GIVE HIM BENADRYL! Yes the over the counter medicine we take.

I have a big dog so I have to give him three tablets.


Read this it will help to identify what your dog has!

Now this might not help long term to cure anything but this is what I do to make my dog more comfortable.

He hates it but I give him a bath

I then use put on peroxide to disinfect the skin, I warm it in the microwave for 30seconds so it's not cold. It's so simple but I found is the best thing to disinfect.

There are also shampoo閳ユ獨 and soaps that are made for skin problems, that you can get at the pet store. Or sometimes I just use a gentle soap like dove.

And after I wash him so his skin not dry I put on a little no fragrance no color no nothing lotion. I know I'm saying on his skin, well his hair didn't grow back in places like his neck and his belly. So I can see the skin to work with it.

If it was me I would take your dog to the vet, because it might be something more serous that can transfer to people. It's important you really know what it is.

It's funny you asked this I was just on my way to take care of my dogs skin. If I take care of his skin frequently his allergy doesn't bother him.

I hope you figure out what your dog has.

How can i get my dog to stop scratching?

Scratch for him!

How can i get my dog to stop scratching?

go to the vet he may be allergic

How can i get my dog to stop scratching?

Take him to the vet and describe the problem. He might have a food allergy. He might have a skin condition. Either way, he should see the vet.

How can i get my dog to stop scratching?

Take him to the vet. It is the only way you are going to get to the bottom of this.

How can i get my dog to stop scratching?

My vet calls it allergies. Advantage always seems to ease the pain fleas or no fleas. Get some medicated shampoo and or some anti-inflamatory med for yer dog.

How can i get my dog to stop scratching?

He might be suicidal!!

How can i get my dog to stop scratching?

Buy a supplement called Linatone, it makes the hair and skin supple. Also, get some Sulfodene spray and spray the dog down in the itchy spots 2x a day. Sounds like extremely dry skin, but both of those products will help.

How can i get my dog to stop scratching?

take him to the vet..the same happened with my dog, he had skin scrapes and everything turned out to be a severe form of dermatitis

How can i get my dog to stop scratching?

Get him some flea spray and a collar!

How can i get my dog to stop scratching?

The best help should come from your veterinarian. They will be able to find the cause of the itching, and then can prescribe the proper treatment for the ailment. Why not make an appointment now? Good luck.

How can i get my dog to stop scratching?

It sounds like he is having an allergic reaction to something.

You need to consider what type of cleaners you use on your carpets, what you are feeding him and what you wash his bedding with.

I would talk to the vet about what type of anti itch meds you can give to him.

How can i get my dog to stop scratching?

You said he doesn't have fleas, so he has dry skin. Put a table spoon of vegetable oil in every feeding you give him. Not only will that help his skin, but eventually his fur will shine be and healthier.

How can i get my dog to stop scratching?

This could be so many things; mites, allergies, a nutritional deficiency. Food tends to be a high scratching allergen. I'd slowly change his food to a single protein, single carb (Wellness has a 'simple solution' food) and I'd add a fish oil capsule to his food. AND I'd take him to a vet who might be able to give you some insight into the dogs issues.

How can i get my dog to stop scratching?

My dog did this and i tryed everything i could thnk of and then finally i tryed different dog foods and came to this one for my dog which is a small dog around l0 lbs. I now use Little Bites Indoor Complete and this has worked its by Purina and its not an expenisve food which i did try. Good Luck.

How can i get my dog to stop scratching?

possible dry skin....dogs are carnivores and naturally require animal not over bathe your dog and if meat drippings are generated in your home, put some on your dogs food. also, pet shops or your grocery pet section have stuff to add to your pets food. one brand name I recall is Linatone...but there are many. Again, over bathing is hard a on a dogs skin...dogs are also susceptible to allergies...

How can i get my dog to stop scratching?

to help himis to take him to a vet that`s it .because you don`t know the problem.

How can i get my dog to stop scratching?

Sounds like allergies. Allergies can be caused by food, fleas or environmental causes (like pollen).

Choose a high quality food. I feed my allergic dog California Natural which is formulated for allergic dogs and has few ingredients and ones that tend not to trigger allergies. Look for a food with no corn or wheat. Though rare, my dog is also allergic to lamb so it takes some detective work to find out what the triggers are. A food like CA Natural is good because there are only a few ingredients.

Keep the dog on Frontline Plus or Advantage at all times. Even one flea can cause miserable flea allergies.

Regular baths with an oatmeal dog shampoo can remove allergens from coats. My dogs get done 1-2 times a month.

Dogs can get benadryl to control itching. Ask your vet how much is the right dose for your dog. If nothing else works, there are other treatments your vet can try and if absolutely nothing helps, a veterinary dermatologist as a last resort can usually get to the bottom of it. This helped my friends dog when everything else failed. Good luck.

How can i get my dog to stop scratching?

ok.gave him a nice warm bath or gave him a medicines on his skins to stop stratching.

How can i get my dog to stop scratching?

Check this out

How can i get my dog to stop scratching?

sounds to me like your dog is suffering from allergies. best thing to do is take your pooch to the vet to be sure. he will probably need antibiotics for the sores as well. until you get him to the vet ask yourself has ANYTHING around him changed around the same time he started scratching? (his food,bowl,environment, etc.)if so change it back or have him avoid them! you can put some hydrocortizone cream(get it in any drugstore) on his sores and where hes scratching or wash him with an oatmeal shampoo until you get him to a vet(that should help with the itching).but these are only soothers until you get him to a vet because ultimately thats what you need to do!

by the way: superbad what does obedience have to do with a dog with skin problems?

How can i get my dog to stop scratching?

Shave him

How can i get my dog to stop scratching?

What quality of food are you feeding him. Many dogs itch like that if they eat "cheaper" brands of dog food. We have to feed our dogs Iams or one loses all his hair. Make sure you're not feeding any table scraps until you're able to determine whether or not it's a food allergy. Food allergies are becoming more and more common in dogs.

How can i get my dog to stop scratching?

Well, it definitely sounds like an allergy problem. I'm not sure why your veterinarian would suggest a flea allergy, if there were no evidence of fleas. Are you certain that your dog is flea free?

If he's not being treated with a topical 'spot on' flea preventative, chances are he could have picked up some fleas, especially if he's been adopted and maybe not had the best of care previously. It doesn't need a whole lot of fleas to set up a reaction, it's the flea saliva dogs are allergic to and just a few bites can cause problems. you can find out more about dog allergies at this url

If you're certain it's not fleas, I'd suggest looking for iother possible causes - such as a contact allergy (maybe to a new bed/bedding etc.) or dog food allergies - this is pretty common.

Most allergies cause skin problems, such as excessive itching, biting, scratching and so on. usually producing red, irritated skin, hot spots etc. Do watch for any signs of infection such as swelling, 'hot' areas, pus etc. If this happens you'll need antibiotics from your veterinarian.

Otherwise, you're only option is to try to eliminate the allergy trigger by changing your dogs food to one that's been designed for dogs with sensitivities/allergies ( )and also paying attention to his environment (maybe change his bed, use different detergent, shampoo etc,.).

To help keep him more comfortable and reduce the itching for now, try a product with hydrocortisone which helps with itching and inflammation. There are also natural products and food supplements for these conditions. You can see a range of products to help your dog at the url below. Best of luck, hope he's doing better soon.

How can i get my dog to stop scratching?

It's either mange or allergies. You need a vet.

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