Saturday, August 1, 2009

Everytime i let my dog to go to the toilet in the garden she always rushes out and starts barking ma

Everytime my dog goes to toilet, she has this habit of running straight to the corner of the garden and barks liek mad, it is very embaressing when it is late iat night when everyone is sleeping. we tell her to stop but she carrys on and realise her back hair stands up? she is 1 and half year old german shepherd and we live facing some houses opposite us. how can we make her stop and let her go to toilet in one peice.?

Everytime i let my dog to go to the toilet in the garden she always rushes out and starts barking mad.?

take a soda pop can or what ever kind of can. put 7 pennies in it and tape over top. take dog out on a leash and tell her potty,do you business or what ever you say. if she starts to bark shake the can at her and say a firm NO!! the shock of the noise will make her stop. right away tell her she is a good girl and give a small treat. repeat every time she barks. you may want to do this during the day time also so she starts associating potty with bad noise and quiet with a positive reward. and you will not be disturbing neighbor.

Everytime i let my dog to go to the toilet in the garden she always rushes out and starts barking mad.?

I have a two year old gsd and she does it....Its a territory thing!

Funny she does it with my wife but I tell her not too and she`s usually fine... I think its a man thing...ha ha ha...

Try taking her out on a lead and reassure her all the time..

Everytime i let my dog to go to the toilet in the garden she always rushes out and starts barking mad.?

you will have a very hard task trying to cure that with the amount of foxes and cats around i have 3 dogs and have the same problem good luck.

Everytime i let my dog to go to the toilet in the garden she always rushes out and starts barking mad.?

So does my dog, along with my other two!!! She's warning anyone in the area of your garden to clear off because she's out there, she's not barking at anything in particular. I know how you feel on the neighbours front but try this and see if it helps, it works for me - sometimes ha ha. When you go to the door to let her out ( if she's anything like my lot thats when the yapping starts? ) just open it a tiny bit - let her do the pushing open bit! I find by doing that, they lose the incentive to go raving mad! Try it and see. If that doesn't work you'll have to walk out with her to make sure she stays quiet, the last thing you need is complaints - good luck.

Everytime i let my dog to go to the toilet in the garden she always rushes out and starts barking mad.?

maybe there is always a cat that sits up there its happy to be out just leave her out for a we while then so she can relax.put somethin up in the corner so she cant get up there

Everytime i let my dog to go to the toilet in the garden she always rushes out and starts barking mad.?

Fill a plastic bottle with pebbles or coins. Then when your dog starts to bark say "quiet" and throw the bottle in her direction (avoid hitting her) your dog will be startled. Do this several times during the day, eventually she will want to avoid the startling sound and will stop when you say "quiet". When she does this give her a treat.

Also train her to pee on command, when she is in full flow always say "get one" and praise her afterwards. After a couple of weeks she will pee on command.

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