Saturday, August 1, 2009

I cut my beagle's hair on his lower back, is it unheathly for him?

I cut my beagles hair on his back very low. It was spur of the moment, and now I regret it. I was doing it thinking that it would let him reach his "itchy spot", and help him cool down. Now he's running around freaking out, and his coat looks horrible.

Is what I did bad for my dog?

How long will it take for it to grow back?

Should I just get his whole body groomed to even out where I cut his hair really low?

Any other suggestions, please

I cut my beagle's hair on his lower back, is it unheathly for him?

he probably is embarrased of the bad cut.

I cut my beagle's hair on his lower back, is it unheathly for him?

It will grow back. But if hes itching that bad he needs to see a vet.

I cut my beagle's hair on his lower back, is it unheathly for him?

He might've had an itchy spot because he had some sort of minor bug infestation that is now worse because of the shave; especially if you cut too low to the skin-poor baby's probably itchier then ever!

I'd take him to the vet and see if he can give him a specially medicated bath and a nice salve to sooth the itch until his hair grows back...

Take him in TODAY!

I cut my beagle's hair on his lower back, is it unheathly for him?

I think you should let him eat peanut butter out of YOUR hair. That oughta make things even.

I cut my beagle's hair on his lower back, is it unheathly for him?

Actually if it was a hot spot you did the best thing.

It will grow back. I would suggest if it is itchy some cortizone spray to put on it. You can get it at any petstore.

I cut my beagle's hair on his lower back, is it unheathly for him?

As for the itchy spot, you should take him to a vet. Could be a hot spot, allergies, or bugs. As for shaving him it is not unhealthy but pointless and not that smart. Beagles have short hair as is they do not need to get it cut or shaved. I bet he looks horrible I can only picture if my little beagle was shaved. She would look dumb. Ha ha ha!!!

Just let it grow back in it will be fine but get that itch looked at.

I cut my beagle's hair on his lower back, is it unheathly for him?

Your dog will be fine; unless you actively hunt your dogs in thickets and briars. The beagles coat protects them from there hunting environment. In the summer time I shave all four of beagles from neck to tail; because they are inside dogs mostly and helps keep down the shedding. My dogs love it, when they see the clippers they come running. (it might also be because they know they will get a scooby snack after the cut ....:)

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