Monday, July 27, 2009

Thanksgiving dinner at a house full of cats and cat it safe?

my mom is really picky when it comes to food...and she refuse to have dinner anywhere there are live dogs or cats walking around.

the house we're having dinner at has lots of cats and cat hair flying EVERYWHERE, and it seems unappealing to her.

what can they do about this? and is there a possibility that cat hair could be in our dinner?!

Thanksgiving dinner at a house full of cats and cat it safe?

Our family treats our animals as if they are members of the family. My son-in-law has a special relationship with my one old guy, and he gets a seat, right beside my son-in-law, so that he can get special tidbits at holiday meals. I use Clorox wipes on my counters in the kitchen, wash may hands, and use those magnetic dusters to dust my house. I also vacuum daily all over the house. I'll bet there is less cat hair floating around my house than stray body hair floating around your mother's house.

As for the rest of the cats, we always buy a HUGE turkey, don't trim too closely, and the turkey carcass, with lots of meat attached, is usually placed on the basement floor, on a platter. and we get quite a kick out of sitting on the basement steps and watching their reaction to this huge turkey carcass with all the meat attached. They nibble a bit, go into a deep restful turkey sleep, as do we and we have a holiday that includes the whole family, humans and animals.

Feeding pets prior to putting a meal on the table, usually results in the pet not being interested in the food on the table.

Thanksgiving dinner at a house full of cats and cat it safe?

Of course, the hair is in the air its practically waitless and its gross. I would not like to eat there.

Thanksgiving dinner at a house full of cats and cat it safe?

Its hard to keep the cat hair under control. I have 3 cats myself but they are just like extra family members to me. But I can see where your mom is coming from. I don't think the cat hair will get in your food. You guys might wanna consider asking the owner of the cats if they would mind puting the cats in a seperate room while you guys are visitng. Hopefully they'll respect your wishes and you all can enjoy your dinner.

Thanksgiving dinner at a house full of cats and cat it safe?

It's very likely that you will have cat hair in your food but then again the same can be said for human hair, unless they wear a hairnet.

I am just like you mom and i don't like to eat from ppl with pets walking around the ktichen and stuff. Gross!

Tell her just to take a look at each fork full to see if any hair is there, of course, you being discreet.

Thanksgiving dinner at a house full of cats and cat it safe?

Listen peanut, there is every possibility the cat hair will get into everything, especially when folks gets to moving around and all.

So, I would recommend that everyone eat outside where it is clean.

Thanksgiving dinner at a house full of cats and cat it safe?

Your mother cannot come to my house for thanksgiving or any other meal. I do not have cats or hair flying around, but I have a dog and it will not be put outside because she visits. Good luck...and by the way, cat hair is really a nuisance..nasty, gets in your nose, your food, all over you clothes. Ug. !

Thanksgiving dinner at a house full of cats and cat it safe?

Hi there;

I don't know where the rest of these peeps are coming from but I can tell you another side of the coin.

First off, unless the cats are long haired, cats are very clean by nature. Second, unless your host is an absolute pig there is no chance that cat hair will get in the food.

Third, if your mom is anti-pets then having a holiday dinner at someones home where pets are members of the family is not a good mix.

To remark about the cleanliness of a host's home in a demeaning way is extremely rude and lacks good graces. Perhaps you both would be better off arriving AFTER dinner for coffee and your mom can bring a dessert to offer.

Thanksgiving dinner at a house full of cats and cat it safe?

If it is someone Else's house, its simple, if you cant deal with a little thing like pet hair then don't go. I think having fur kids around is always a good idea, it makes a home a real comfy place. If you cant stand the hair stay home.

Thanksgiving dinner at a house full of cats and cat it safe?

Clearly, you don't actually live with any pets. But I can tell you that I would be a heck of a lot more grossed out by a human hair in my food than a cat hair!

I agree with the poster that said that you are rude to be commenting on your HOST'S house. If you don't like it, don't go. It's that simple.

And it's not like there is this random cloud of cat hair floating around like smog. Surely your mom could actually handle to be around a house that had pets, for one meal. If not, then she could cook for herself. I'm sure that your guests have plenty to say about your place when they come over too. Just something to think about.

Have a good holiday, and I hope you find the hair free dinner that you are looking for!

Thanksgiving dinner at a house full of cats and cat it safe?

If you can, prepare a room for your cats and put them in there. I don't know how to get rid of cat hair in the air, as for your furniture i would vacuum it.

Thanksgiving dinner at a house full of cats and cat it safe?

I was watching Martha prepare for a large party one day and the camera panned over to show the set table, in the middle was one of her Himalayan cats, just like a centerpiece! I have cats and I'll bet my kitchen is cleaner than your mothers because I never assume any surface is clean, I always wipe down a surface before I use it. I see lots of people just walk up and lay raw or uncooked food right on the counter-top without even thinking about when the last time it was cleaned. Do they assume that it was still clean from the day before?

Thanksgiving dinner at a house full of cats and cat it safe?

The only way it is TRULY nasty is when a cat is allowed to walk all over the kitchen table or counters. Otherwise as long as the house is vacuumed real well and dusted it should be fine. My mother-in-law allows all her cats to walk on counters and tables and to me it is nasty because the same feet that are on the table and counters were also walking in pee and poop in the litter box. THAT is nasty!!

Thanksgiving dinner at a house full of cats and cat it safe?

Ya cat hair can be in your food.The hair of cats and dogs are very dangerous and can cause sceptic if goes in our mouth

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