Sunday, July 26, 2009

My dog is psyco !!!!!!!!!?

my weiner dog almost caught a rabbit, but it got away. then she all of a sudden went NUTS. She was like growling around and the hair on her back was standing up and she was like growling at everything and chasing her tail and was shaking i thought she was dying!!!!! it scared me so much! then i picked her up and calmed her down and she was just starring at nothing and her eyes were like white and i was like WHATTTT

what is wrong with her?! was she just SOOOOO mad that she didn't catch that stupid rabbit?!

My dog is psyco !!!!!!!!!?

No, your dog is normal. In fact, she's exceptional. From the way you put it, I gathered it was the first time she hunted, and she almost caught it? That's awesome.

Your dog is fine. She just had a surge of adrenalin, and was in the process of calming back down.

My dog is psyco !!!!!!!!!?

is your dog vaccinated?

My dog is psyco !!!!!!!!!?

its normal, just buy good dog toys and throw them across the yard and let her go get it........all fixed

My dog is psyco !!!!!!!!!?

She was doing what she was bred for and it sounds like she really got into it.She is not a dog to be trusted around small rodents or bunnies any more.

My dog is psyco !!!!!!!!!?

Are you aware that Dachshunds are HOUND dogs? Bred for hunting? She was probably very frustrated and excited, and didn't know how to handle these emotions.

My dog is psyco !!!!!!!!!?

i think she was just really excited and hyper. dogs can sometiems act crazy when they are trying to catch something and they get excited. i wouldnt worry too much about it.

but next time she does that, dont pick her up- according to Caesar Malan (famous dog whisperer), you would be nuturing the wrong state of mind by comforting her while she is riled up- that could cause some problems. but im sure that one time wouldnt have done too much.

hope i helped!

My dog is psyco !!!!!!!!!?

That breed of dog is prone to seizures. A seizure may have been induced by the over stimulation from the hunt and loss of the prey.

I'd recommend taking your dog to the vet to have it checked out. You can get medication for seizures if that is the case.

My dog is psyco !!!!!!!!!?

i think so those hot dogs go nuts lol

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