Thursday, July 23, 2009

My dog has a sore on her arm. What should I do?

She is licking it relatively frequently, but she doesn't do it ALL the time. It's getting red and her hair is thinning from her licking, but it's not bleeding.

It seems like maybe I should just get her a dog cone and let her wear that for a day or two while it heels. Any thoughts?

My dog has a sore on her arm. What should I do?

Dogs don't have arms dummy, they have legs! But now to the serious side, if you have access to an Aloe Vera plant, cut off a leaf %26amp; squeeze or scrape some of the juicy pulp from it %26amp; apply to the inflamed area 2 or 3 x's daily. If not, go to a health food store %26amp; get some extract or ointment containing aloe vera %26amp; do the same. If she has a tendency to lick it off, get a Victorian collar for her to keep from licking the sore.

My dog has a sore on her arm. What should I do?

She may have cut her arm on something, and if it's getting red, that means it's getting infected. She really needs to have it looked at and treated by a vet, before it gets worse.

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