Sunday, July 26, 2009

Why are dog and rooster fighting against the law but pouring acid in animals' eyes is condoned?

Why are testers for cleaning supplies and hair dyes, etc. allowed to pour acid in animals' eyes - they don't even use anesthesia to prevent extreme cruelty or pain killers to lessen their suffering. These cats and dogs are forced to eat these products to see how long it takes to pass through their bodies before killing them while it burns away their intestinal tracts and causes violent vomiting and bleeding.

Why are dog and rooster fighting against the law but pouring acid in animals' eyes is condoned?

OMG that is horrible if anything is animal tested me and my family don't buy it. It so cruel animals have the same right as we do. I think it's totally unfair and we need to do somethign about it!!!!!!!!

Why are dog and rooster fighting against the law but pouring acid in animals' eyes is condoned?

It's a beautiful world, isn't it?

Why are dog and rooster fighting against the law but pouring acid in animals' eyes is condoned?

As usual, dogs and cats should be tested before humans.

Why are dog and rooster fighting against the law but pouring acid in animals' eyes is condoned?

do you have a better idea , maybe peta members could volunteer to be tested before these proucts are available to the public . When I buy a product I assume it has been tested and is safe .

Why are dog and rooster fighting against the law but pouring acid in animals' eyes is condoned?

they do it to chickens cause it must against the law to pour acid and cleansers in real people's eyes. they need to find out what their chemical mixtures will do to people before they start selling in the stores.

wish you wouldnt write stuff about condoms on here.

Why are dog and rooster fighting against the law but pouring acid in animals' eyes is condoned?

Some of that is also being stopped due to protests and citizens writing to companies. But you are not saying you want the horrible practice of dog and cock fighting to continue I hope. Right now we need to concentrate on nationally having a big push to rid ourselves of the barbaric acts of using animals as fighting machines and ensure that from now on the penalties are much higher for anyone that does it. Then we can work on the other things. One thing at a time.

Why are dog and rooster fighting against the law but pouring acid in animals' eyes is condoned?

Its horrible, but unfortunately to find out which products give humans cancer, or other things this is what they feel they must do. I feel we have enough products, stop creating them, therefore- stop hurting out animals

Why are dog and rooster fighting against the law but pouring acid in animals' eyes is condoned?

One is done for scientific research to benefit man, the other is done for pure amusement.

Why are dog and rooster fighting against the law but pouring acid in animals' eyes is condoned?

Hypocrisy is found eveywhere these days. The govt. considers animal rights activists as terrorists.

Why are dog and rooster fighting against the law but pouring acid in animals' eyes is condoned?

I think they should test products on human criminals with a long, cruel rap sheet of violent crimes, rape, etc.

Leave the innocent animals alone.

Why are dog and rooster fighting against the law but pouring acid in animals' eyes is condoned?

Why you ask? One is about saving lives the other is about watching some thing die for fun. They are not the same. The test your talking about are about how to save the site after spill.

Why are dog and rooster fighting against the law but pouring acid in animals' eyes is condoned?

I will answer your question with a question: Why is legal to chop the heads off of Chickens? Answer: Because they are so delicious! Have a nice KFC day!

Why are dog and rooster fighting against the law but pouring acid in animals' eyes is condoned?

Because it needs to be tested. Would you rather it's tested on humans? Or companies are allowed to pour out any kind of rubbish completely untested (and therefore indirectly test on humans)

Are you a scientist? Do you know what's necessary and what isn't? Tests are repeated because you cannot just test something once - it might have been a fluke result, but you think it's perfectly normal. People DO NOT just test on animals for the sake of casual cruelty - it is NECESSARY.

Without animal testing there are millions - maybe hundreds of millions, of people who would die from diseases which are perfectly curable - there would be hardly any medicine at all. Insulin, polio vaccines, heart medication - none of that would be here and MILLIONS of people would suffer and die.

Why are dog and rooster fighting against the law but pouring acid in animals' eyes is condoned?

People have been protesting these practices for decades!

More so in the 70's and 80's than now.

Why are dog and rooster fighting against the law but pouring acid in animals' eyes is condoned?

there is a benefit to man in using animals for testing, either economic or for medical research. bull fighting, dog fighting etc, offers no benefits other than cruel twisted entertainment of the lowest common denominator.

i know in louisiana, they were considering legalizing cock fighting. i'm not sure what hap[pened to that though.

now with all that being said, i hear you. it just breaks my heart to read about some of this product testing done on animals. but there is a certain amount of true medical research that requires animal;l i can say is i want these animals treated as humanely as possible...and that's the best answer i have and realize it's sadly lacking.....i don't think there is a good answer.

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